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Grooming 101

We placed this link up here as we have had a number of people that want to download the free video on grooming that Darlah did. It's her first attempt to share and as time goes on she will evolve and perfect but till then, here it is.

Let's Talk: Havanese
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CJ Jackson
Hi, I'm CJ. I like dogs. ;)

That's about the extent of my bio! I don't have the extensive experience in the dog world that some of the other authors have. But I have a sweet Havanese named Jasmine who is a big part of my life.

Because of her, I have had many amazing experiences, and have met so many wonderful people who share the same affection for animals that I have! My life with Jaz started off simply enough. I was just teaching her basic obedience, but she picked it up so quickly that soon I had to come up with new things to teach her! She now knows a lot of different tricks and behaviors.

Because of this, we were chosen to go to New York to audition for David Letterman's Stupid Pet Tricks. She also won an online contest for Mighty Dog dog food! So she got to appear in a commercial, a "dog-umentary" movie, and had her own photo-shoot. Jasmine recently had her picture published in a Petsmart grooming breed book. If you go into any Petsmart in the USA or Canada, they should have it sitting on the counter. If you look under "H" for "Havanese", you'll see a picture of Jasmine!

She is also a certified therapy dog, and we go to a children's hospital each week to bring a little fun and laughter to the kids. Jasmine rides around on a cart and does her tricks for each child. Jasmine loves the treats and attention. And the kids just adore Jasmine. It's a win-win situation.

I am constantly learning so many life lessons from Jasmine, and it has made me a better person. I would like to one day write a book, showing how little-by-little having Jasmine has changed my life.

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