Working on Layout and Design
Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 8:06PM
Nathan Potechin

These past few weeks I have been working on the style guide for the Talemaker Havanese Breed Magazine, the look and feel. No question it is evolving but eventually, before the magazine is actually completed, I will have all aspects nailed down. I just completed laying out an article from one of the regular columnists and I was able to view and print it out in a variety of sizes and resolutions. That allowed me to test a few theories I have about page size and the ramifications of color versus black and white in terms of downloading speed. My original plan to create the magazine using Adobe InDesign and output the pages as PDF's will work. The first issue will be made available using the PDF format. Whether I remain with that format or switch to another format for easier online viewing will depend on the ease of use you all experience. Adobe has done a good job of making PDF a universal format for which I thank them. Above all, you must be able to easily read the words. When the time comes, please don't hesitate to comment if you are having difficulty with any aspect. Thank you.


for Talemaker Havanese Breed Magazine


Article originally appeared on Havanese Breed Magazine (
See website for complete article licensing information.